The collection and distribution of money, property and other assets belonging to a person following their death, where these are within the UK and the matters are not contested.

We charge £2,000 to £5,000 + VAT on average for this work.

This estimate is an average price based upon recent instructions. The actual cost to you will depend upon a number of factors which we will discuss with you before the transaction commences.

The charge is based upon our average hourly charging-rate of £275 per hour plus vat, which may vary. There will be additional fees and charges that need to be paid as part of the process, such as Probate Registry fees, £300 plus sealed copies at £1.50 each, and Trustee Act Notices, £250 plus vat (if required).

Our people involved in doing the work will include: Hilary Quantick, Stephen Forsey, Suzi Koszler-Allen, Alex McGill, Alex Parris, Andrew Lewis, Lynsey Dryden and Nicholas Bevan. Find out a bit more about them here.

Our costs and timescales are based on the assumption that the estate is relatively simple, all based in the UK, that there are no Trusts and that there are few, if any, assets that would complicate the process or lengthen our time estimates.

The work we will carry out involves the following (if relevant):

  • Ascertain the legally appointed executors or administrators and beneficiaries.
  • Ascertaining the assets comprised in the estate.
  • Ascertaining and paying any tax on the estate including HMRC tax forms (within 6 months).
  • Applying for a grant of probate or letters of administration, (approximately 3-6 months).
  • Obtaining the Grant of Probate.
  • Collecting in the assets comprised in the estate.
  • Deciding upon and executing distributions of the estate in accordance with the Will or intestacy rules (approximately one month thereafter).

Get in touch if you wish to instruct us on your matter.

PLEASE NOTE We also undertake:

  • Will-writing
  • LPAs
  • Trusts & settlements
  • Estate planning.


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